Blue Planet
Blue Planet Stories
Stories: Ryan Chin. Rumbling and Reminiscing on a Dirt Road in Mexico

Stories: Ryan Chin. Rumbling and Reminiscing on a Dirt Road in Mexico

New Zealand, dogs, fly fishing, and surfing…

Today we speak with author Ryan Chin. Ryan lives in Portland, OR. He began his life as an elementary school teacher. He taught in New Zealand before returning to the United States.

He is an avid surfer and a fly fishermen, he is also the author of The Big Head Diaries, stories of a lab from New Zealand, and Without Rain, a memoir.

We are reading Ryan's story " Rumbling and Reminiscing on a Dirt Road in Mexico."

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Blue Planet Stories
Podcast about people, places, and the culture that connects them.
On Blue Planet: Stories, we interview authors and narrate their essays. We release Blue Planet: Stories every Sunday morning.
On Blue Planet: Travel Banter, we discuss our most recent travel experiences while sailing the Atlantic and the Caribbean. Travel Banter is unscripted and minimally produced. We drop it two-three times a week, as the travel schedule allows.