Blue Planet
Blue Planet Stories
Stories: Sally Prag. Without Living Through Darkness, How Could We Appreciate the Light

Stories: Sally Prag. Without Living Through Darkness, How Could We Appreciate the Light

We interview Sally and read her story

Today we speak with Sally Prag. She is a writer from Devon, England focusing on creative non-fiction and poetry.

Sally is an editor for Memoirist and Age of Empathy publications where she works with established and emerging authors.

She is also an entrepreneur, mother, musician, and a nature lover. Today we interview Sally and read her story Without Living Through Darkness How Could We Appreciate the Light.

You can find her stories on Medium:

From the show:

“…It's just a skill that is important to me to kind of keep practicing and to always be learning new music. And I think, you know, when I say it's kind of integral to my life and it influences my work...I write as if I'm playing a piece of music and that's maybe how I approach life in general…”

“…And so I went and searched for friends in the Tanzanian mud hut village that was on the other side of a banana plantation from where our houses were. And she became my best friend. So I searched for people who, for someone that I felt more on a similar wavelength to, even though we hardly spoke the same language. I think probably I learned quite early on the importance of connecting on a human level with people without language being a barrier…”

“…think about the birds on Dartmoor..And I imagine them seeing some of the hikers that come out from the city and they've got all their outdoor gear and their sticks and all the latest. I think they're amused at that. Somehow they...they survive without any equipment…”

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Blue Planet
Blue Planet Stories
Podcast about people, places, and the culture that connects them.
On Blue Planet: Stories, we interview authors and narrate their essays. We release Blue Planet: Stories every Sunday morning.
On Blue Planet: Travel Banter, we discuss our most recent travel experiences while sailing the Atlantic and the Caribbean. Travel Banter is unscripted and minimally produced. We drop it two-three times a week, as the travel schedule allows.